the sKy...mY giVen riGht to dReam and wRiTe

prOuD aRab...proUd Muslim...pRoud UAEen... pRouD to be... always pRoud..prOud of my hEritage... pRouD to be... pRoud of everything in me...pRoud, always pRoUd

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Personal Notes...from my world

I'm in my cacoon today...retreating from the world, yet the world insists on joining me...I'm determine to purge some of it off my delicate system!

Did you know Israel had a President? No. Plain truth. Yes, his name Katsav, he's now being charged for rape.!

Did Sharon die, yet? I don't know why I even care, but I always keep asking. I'm sure his will be very slow to come.

I love reading, but some posts just drag on and on. I hate having to read everything to come with one line that' useful. Here's my new way of reading blogs, i usually read controversial ones, if it's rather a long post, i head straight to the comments and skim for info! Tried and tested, it works.

I want to learn all about the british and portuguese invasion/occupation of the UAE! Occupations usually leave behind, remnants of their cultures. I found terms like: cancel, time, light, but then there are other terms like seeda, which is urdu, meaning straight, the local term being jidam but most don't know it,thanks to our taxis (another post!)

McDonald is changing its look to match the tempo of todays's world, a.k.a. steal your money by giving you extra fats to live with/more guilt! Today's life tempo: SLOW~~~~so, following StarBucks tradition, Mc is losing its flashy red-yellow-orange colours to more alluring and relaxing hues and replacing its indoor small tables with cushy sofas. What is the world coming to.

*****I can see the lies, lying dormant in your eyes
yet I believe you, you lie, I believe
a stupid notion, maybe the lies will reach a number and one day you will tell.
the truth I don't seek, your integrity I pray.
it's a stupid notion******

Lebanon, what have become of us?

I'm listening to, mind drifting away and away....i wish oneday I'll pray in the AlAqsa mosque in the Quds and see the place where the Prophet Muhammed prayed with all the other prophets behind him. To forget myself there....

Contemplating the UAE's progress. Will it be a sad story?

Missing my grandma who taught me the greatest prayer, she'd alway say: الحمد لله حمد الشاكرين
I long for her hands to wrap me and drown me with her voice and prayers.

i small, I capital?

(DG I'm counting on you to spot any broken links.....with all my gratitude)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

حوار جميل و صادق

I came upon this dialogue and could'nt resist sharing it until I gather the wit to finish my writings (patience is a virtue someone claims).
حاورت الشيطان الرجيم في الليل البهيم
فلما سمعت أذان الفجر أردت للذهاب إلى المسجد
فقال لي :عليك ليل طويل فارقد
قلت: أخاف أن تفوتني الفريضة
قال :الأوقات طويلة عريضة
قلت: أخشى ذهاب صلاة الجماعة
قال: لا تشدد على نفسك في الطاعة
فما قمت حتى طلعت الشمس ...
فقال لي في همس : لا تأسف على ما فات فاليوم كله أوقات
وجلست لآتي بالأذكار
ففتح لي دفتر الأفكار
فقلت: أشغلتني عن الدعاء
قال: دعه إلى المساء
وعزمت على المتاب
فقال: تمتع بالشباب
قلت: أخشى الموت
قال: عمرك لا يفوت ...
وجئت لأحفظ المثاني
قال: روّح نفسك بالأغاني
قلت: هي حرام
قال: لبعض العلماء كلام
قلت: أحاديث التحريم عندي في صحيفة
قال: كلها ضعيفة
ومرت حسناء فغضضت البصر
قال: ماذا في النظر؟
قلت: فيه خطر
قال: تفكر في الجمال فالتفكر حلال
وذهبت إلى البيت العتيق فوقف لي في الطريق ..
فقال: ما سبب هذه السفرة ؟
قلت: لآخذ عمرة
فقال: ركبت الأخطار بسبب هذا الاعتمار وأبواب الخير كثيرة والحسنات غزيرة
قلت: لابد من إصلاح الأحوال
قال: الجنة لاتدخل بالأعمال
فلما ذهبت لألقي نصيحة ..
قال: لا تجر إلى نفسك فضيحة
قلت: هذا نفع العباد
فقال: أخشى عليك من الشهرة وهي رأس الفساد
قلت : فما رأيك في بعض الأشخاص؟
قال : أجيبك على العام والخاص
قلت : أحمد بن حنبل؟ قال : قتلني بقوله عليكم بالسنة والقرآن المنزّل
قلت : فابن تيمية؟ قال : ضرباته على رأسي باليومية
قلت : فالبخاري؟ قال : أحرق بكتابه داري
قلت : فالحجاج ؟ قال : ليت في الناس ألف حجاج فلنا بسيرته ابتهاج ونهجه لنا علاج
قلت : فرعون ؟ قال : له منا كل نصر وعون
قلت : فصلاح الدين بطل حطين؟ قال : دعه فقد مرغنا بالطين
قلت : محمد بن عبدالوهاب؟ قال : أشعل في صدري بدعوته الالتهاب وأحرقني بكل شهاب
قلت : أبوجهل؟ قال : نحن له أخوة وأهل
قلت : فأبو لهب ؟ قال : نحن معه أينما ذهب !
قلت : فلينين؟ قال : ربطناه في النار مع استالين
قلت : فالمجلات الخليعة ؟ قال : هي لنا شريعة
قلت : فالدشوش ؟ قال : نجعل الناس بها كالوحوش
قلت : فالمقاهي ؟ قال : نرحب فيها بكل لاهي
قلت : ما هو ذكركم؟ قال : الأغاني
قلت : وعملكم؟ قال : الأماني
قلت : وما رأيكم بالأسواق ؟ قال : علمنا بها خفاق وفيها يجتمع الرفاق
قلت : فحزب البحث الاشتراكي ؟ قال : قاسمته أملاكي وعلمته أورادي وأنساكي
قلت : كيف تضلّ الناس ؟ قال : بالشهوات والشبهات والملهيات والأمنيات والأغنيات
قلت : كيف تضلّ النساء ؟ قال : بالتبرج والسفور وترك المأمور وارتكاب المحظور
قلت : فكيف تضلّ العلماء؟ قال : بحب الظهور والعجب والغرور وحسد يملأ الصدور
قلت : كيف تضلّ العامة ؟ قال : بالغيبة والنميمة والأحاديث السقيمة وما ليس له قيمة
قلت : فكيف تضلّ التجار ؟ قال : بالربا في المعاملات ومنع الصدقات والإسراف في النفقات
قلت : فكيف تضلّ الشباب ؟ قال : بالغزل والهيام والعشق والغرام والاستخفاف بالأحكام وفعل الحرام
قلت : فما رأيك بدولة اليهود (اسرائيل) ؟ قال : إياك والغيبة فإنها مصيبة واسرائيل دولة حبيبة ومن القلب قريبة
قلت : فأبو نواس؟ قال : على العين والرأس لنا من شعره اقتباس
قلت : فأهل الحداثة؟ قال : أخذوا علمهم منا بالوراثة
قلت : فالعلمانية؟ قال : إيماننا علماني وهم أهل الدجل والأماني ومن سماهم فقد سماني
قلت : فما تقول في واشنطن؟ قال : خطيبي فيها يرطن وجيشي فيها يقطن وهي لي وطن
قلت : فما رأيك في الدعاة ؟ قال : عذبوني وأتعبوني وبهذلوني وشيبوني يهدمون ما بنيت ويقرءون إذا غنيت ويستعيذون إذا أتيت
قلت : فما تقول في الصحف ؟ قال : نضيع بها أوقات الخلف ونذهب بها أعمار أهل الترف ونأخذ بها الأموال مع الأسف
قلت : فما تقول في هيئة الإذاعة البريطانية ؟ قال : ندخل فيها السم في الدسم ونقاتل بها بين العرب والعجم ونثني بها على المظلوم ومن ظلم قلت : فما فعلت في الغراب ؟ قال : سلطته على أخيه فقتله ودفنه في التراب حتى غاب
قلت : فما فعلت بقارون ؟ قال : قلت له احفظ الكنوز يا ابن العجوز لتفوز فأنت أحد الرموز
قلت : فماذا قلت لفرعون ؟ قال : قلت له يا عظيم القصر قل أليس لي ملك مصر فسوف يأتيك النصر
قلت : فماذا قلت لشارب الخمر ؟ قال : قلت له اشرب بنت الكروم فإنها تذهب الهموم وتزيل الغموم وباب التوبة معلوم
قلت : فماذا يقتلك ؟ قال : آية الكرسي منها تضيق نفسي ويطول حبسي وفي كل بلاء أمسي
قلت : فما أحب الناس اليك ؟ قال : المغنون والشعراء الغاوون وأهل المعاصي والمجون وكل خبيث مفتون
قلت : فما أبغض الناس اليك ؟ قال : أهل المساجد وكل راكع وساجد وزاهد عابد وكل مجاهد
قلت : أعوذ بالله منك فاختفى وغاب كأنما ساخ في التراب وهذا جزاء الكذاب
"سبحانك الله وبحمدك أشهد أن لا اله الا أنت أستغفرك وأتوب"

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Really, How Proud Are We?

We've made it.
Regardless of the hardships, and what we are putting up with, we made it.

The world knows us! Hoooray.

...And so the term dubai'd was coined. and how proud are we!

...Discovery channel made a documentray about the richest people in the middle east, and what do you know, out of the four featured gentle men, THREE are from the UAE (Dubai)!

...and now as proud as we are, we are featured on the NEWYORK TIMES in an article highlitghting the:
a. fear over local idenity
b. growing tension among different nationalities in the UAE

The article called Beyond Skimpy Skirts, a Rare Debate on Identity very fitting description, albeit misleading (rare-not). Is it about the skimpy skirts?

I first refered to the topic in an earlier post called Does Respect Have Meaning? because I truly think it winds down to respect, from one human to another human. It is lleged that an article on 7days titled Show Some Respect first broke hell loose. I suspect that. The comments on that article got very abusive of course with both sides uttering complete non-sense by the end of the day, but something very revealing came out too. The insolence of foreigners on this land (both westerns and otherwise--i call them wannebes--). Complete hypocrisy and ill-meant intentions came out flowing. It wasn't about Ramadan, or about curbing one's sexual needs, or watching one's mouth. It is about showing RESPECT when and where it is due. People come here knowing the cultures, and choose to ignore it and carry with their own ways. It was complete chaos particularly when someone asked for solidatory with muslims living abroad where they are taunted everday but excercise faith diligently. I am not in a western city, and I do not have to put up with someone else's entire culture in favour of mine. I do not have to be assaulted with nakedness and vulgarity everywhere I go. Had I wanted that, why, it is easy to go and live in their countries! At the end of the day, I think, where exactly am I living, in my native town or where?

I simply request few things.

I simply ask not to see your bulging, bare and hideous skin.
I do not want to smell your foul mouth in the morning when you've spent the night drinking.
I do not want to hear your racist comments about my culture and religion.
I do not want your civilised culture influencing or imposing my beliefs.

I, of course, exclude the wonderful and generous few non-locals whom I had the pleasure of meeting.

I will end quoting the author of the article (NYTimes), as he sums my shattered thoughts:
"Arabs celebrate it as a model of Arab accomplishment, and Westerners embrace it for its endless sunshine and luxury lifestyle".

How shameful.

Of course It's OUR Fault, whoelse?

As muslims we' re always to be blamed for everything, from terrorism to ignornance.

Alright, so it was a good idea that the main scholars and mufti's of the Islamic world convened to condemn the atrocious allegations by the Vatican's and Christian head of authority, Benedict ..... who claimed (quoting someone else, "clearly can not even utter a sentene lest alone think a thought on his own") that the greatest and most humble being, the Prophet Mohammed p.b.u.h., brought nothing but evil, his infamous speech.

Then, the Danish kids tried their luck again by protraying the Prophet as vile and vice as vindictive as they are, by arranging a contest to see who could defame the Prophet the most.

Who's fault is it?
The last time everyone blamed the Muslims for not spreading the word of Allah, for not showing the others what a true Muslim is and what Islam means.

You know what I'm so sick and tired of this mentality.
Why shouldn't the European one be to be blamed?
Isn't the definition of "cultured" comes from there?
Or is it because we can not see the beauty in degrading a woman and reavealing nudity that we are so backwards?
Why isn't it so clear that those who do not wish to acknowledge the truth are to be blamed?
And then they have the nerve to even speak about tolerance?
yes tolerance, exercised to the maximum when girls and women are forbidden from wearing their hijab in France, when women are openly critised for wearing niqab Britain, when aman with a beard is a suspect of terrorism, when all it takes to be jailed is to utter a word in arabic, and to even comfort onself by muttering a thikr one is assaulted as if one has utterd blasphemy. One of a kind of tolerance!

So I was rather enraged that the scholars who sent a letter to his royal H.H. thanking him for the stupid apology. Thanking him. So it becomes understandable that one never burn bridges but build them and keep open channels of communications.

But then, when they mention that the Prophet truly didn't bring anything new. Surely, was that a good and valid argument? In what context??????

Of course all Prophets called for Allah being the one and only.

What about what Prophet Mohammed p.bu.h. brought?
One thing I will mention: Human Rights
Particularly: Women's Rights.
Why, wasn't it only when Islam came that the atrocious and evil act of infanticide was abolished? Girls were murdred with bare hands, suffocated in their graves, and Prophet Mohammed p.b.u.h. came to eradicate this.
"و ما أرسلناك إلا رحمة للعالمين

Monday, October 09, 2006

Who's UR Hero????part 1

Who was your hero growing up? Superman? Barbie?
What about children of this age? Pokemon? Power Rangers?
In the Arab world, this is especially a pungent issue. The lack of mystical heroes seems to weigh on the conscience of so many who are trying to salvage the problem by creating new heroes that conform with the major religion in the region, Islam. One such endeavor is by a young Kuwaiti chap, Naif Al-Mutawa, who is releasing a new comic book series called The 99, in which 99 characters portray the 99 attributes of Allah. As to how he managed to convince anyone to invest in his idea, it was rather simple enough: he revealed to his financial backers a newspaper story about a Hamas supporter in the Palestinian territories who was selling a children’s book with stickers of suicide bombers as heroes. "I took this around and said, ‘look, this is what’s happening in the vacuum’," he said. "I don’t want my kids growing up like that."


I personally don't see any lack of heroes in the Arab world. We certainly don' need to revert to mystical, dazzling and fictional characters when true heroes do exist in our history. Why, we have the Prophet s.A.a.w.s, Abu Baker Al-Sadeeq, Omar ibn Al-Khatab, Othman ibn Afan, Ali ibn Abey-Taleb, Hamza bin Abuld-Moutalib, Kalid ibn Al-Waleed, Salah Al-Din Al Ayoubi, Al Sayeda Khadeeja, Ayehsa bint Abey Bakr, Khawla bint All-Azwar and many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many more...

This post is especially dedicated to Skeptical.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

a sound that make me CRINGE

The sombre and serene atmosphere that greets me as I step into the mosque, takes me to an elevated state of being. A sense of relief overwhelms me and I don't seek to understand why. All my life, I leave it on the doorstep. I go in very light, and very humbled. I love this place. I miss it everyday and every minute of the year. I only come here for about 24 days, only during the Holy Month of Ramadan. I carry nothing with me only hopes and well wishes that Allah will bestow me with his everlasting forgiveness and grant me a place in Heaven next to the Prophet. When the mo'athen calls for the prayer, every soul and body stand erect and proud to be here, yet humbled as we stand between the hands of Allah, or at least that is how I feel and extend the assumption. Unfortunately, some women come with everything in mind but to pray!
I hate the way these women abandon their shoes at the mosque's doorstep haphazardly. It is most unsightly scene besides cause of many tripping accidents. I hate the way these women talk in "hush-hush" voices when everyone else hears. I hate the way these women bring their unweaned children who's shrieks tear at your soul. Kids under 7 should be left at home, out of consideration to everyone else's feelings. My "I hate the way these women" is long and maybe exhaustive but all is tolerable and excusable.

What I hate the most and can not fathom to understand is the nerve these women have bring their mobiles to the holy shrine of the mosque and letting it ring. The sound make my soul turn, Nokia Tunes, latest songs etc... It is so dispecable and utterly rude. Have no one ever showed them the "silent" mode?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Does Respect have Meaning?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Life is Petty?

After a small, petty fight I got involved in with family members, slowly, and very quietly I slid away to my tiny room while rage in me was building like crashing waves, as I wanted to be included withà (و الكاظمين الغيظ). I flicked on the T.V. with no desire whatsoever accept to keep my mind off the matter. As I stared blindly at the empty screen, I instantly grasped the gravity of the topic: mbc1- 5awa6er Shabab with A7mad Shogeery. There will be no more dense topic to a Muslim than the "end", in Arabic referred to more appropriately as {هادم اللذات} In an instant my body gave away to a queer shudder, as a young footballer, full of life, full of energy playing on the field, suddenly collapsed. Suddenly. There were three other clips of others who were taken by the suddenness of death but this first one shocked me to my roots.

Did you think, like me, that you're, like me, too young?? Or that there will be signs?? That you, like me, have time??

I urge you to watch the show and to think of it, deeply.

death is Eminent, how did you prepare for it?