The recent accusations of that thing in the Vatican will surely lash out much more anger despite all the efforts to quench the rising tension.
"He began his speech by quoting a 14th-century Byzantine emperor, Manuel II Paleologus, in a conversation with a "learned Persian" on Christianity and Islam -"and the truth of both."
"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached," the pope quoted the emperor."It's worth mentioning that the Indian and Pakistani authorities seized all newspapers that printed the Vatican thing's allegations towards Islam for fear of retaliation. This has enraged me even further, so you people, who've been feverently attacking Etisalat's censorship, I hope you will find this humoring too.
Shaikh Khalid Al Jindi has just been interviewed on the MBC1, and said about this Vatican thing: it is one of two things, either this thing doesn't read, in which case it's a disastour, or he does read, in which case it's malicious. He thinks it is the latter. A very precise accusation wrapped in the gentle folds of quoting someone else.
Another source says:
As the criticisms gathered force, the Vatican worked quickly to quell a potentially damaging confrontation with Muslims. It issued a statement saying that the church seeks to Âcultivate an attitude of respect and dialogue toward other religions and cultures and obviously also toward Islam.ÂSo much for respect for other religions. Tell you what, when you starpracticingng what you preach, go on the limb and accuse someone else. Furthemore, if Islam has really spread by the sword, how come there were only 63 wars and the totally number ofatalitieses on
BOTH sides was 386, all in the 23 years in which the PropheMuhammaded spread the word of Islam? I bring to your mind the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition and the VaticanÂs relations with Nazi Germany, all attesting to the Vatican's BLOODY HISTORY.
He and his Vaticancan can scramble all they want for excuses, thank you: point taken. Hatred just spilled!more: