the sKy...mY giVen riGht to dReam and wRiTe

prOuD aRab...proUd Muslim...pRoud UAEen... pRouD to be... always pRoud..prOud of my hEritage... pRouD to be... pRoud of everything in me...pRoud, always pRoUd

Monday, September 18, 2006

Colour my Life

There are days, of certain bleakness, I shy away from them. I know they will pass, with little patience. Meanwhile I look around for shreds of colours to fill my void. Purple, blue or green. I look around. Sometimes to no vail. I remain stationary. I blink my eyes perchance the colour spectrum may be of jolly mood and cast me some of his. I fall back on a thought, of my dear one, who said: If I can stand in front of a mirror and rEsPeCt the person there, I know my life is not in vain.

Love to me, on a bleak day,
Was it a Sunday or Monday

When we last said goodbye.


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